
Can We Be Friends?

.....like on Pinterest?

My obsession is getting worse by the minute. I'm seriously in love with Pinterest.
I don't know why it's talking to my heart like it is, but seriously....I'm giddy with excitement about it.

So I want to know if you're on there.....and if so....can we be friends! I need a lot more to look at and drool over.

It's like one place where all the happiness of my heart...all that describes me can be in one place. I'm in love.

I seriously just sent Heather an email to tell her that I'm sure my excitement over this website must be what it's like for those addicted to porn!

So for real....get an account and lets be friends.

You can find me under Lauren Thomas or @laurenthomaspic

For real people....get on it!


  1. You may have to send out the invites....there is a waitlist to get on. Its just that awesome!

  2. love love love pinterest!just started following you.
