
blue light special.

today was the day.
after having 2 doctors tell me there was nothing else they could do for me as far as babies, we've made the jump to specialist.

that last doc appointment threw me for a loop, so we decided we would bite the bullet and go ahead and get some answers.

i've had the appointment for 2 weeks and i can tell you, i've been a little anxious.
preparing for best and worst cases. i'm a planner. and since i know my body isn't working correctly, i tend to jump in and look for other options. and in doing that I've been prepping for the worst case scenario.
let's just say chris is on sensory overload with me right now.

i made a huge mistake last week and decided i'd google adoption in texas. well then i went to the state website. and there was this happy little button that said "view children waiting for homes".
i knew it was a bad idea, but i clicked it anyway.
tons of children all with severe physical disabilities.
well you guessed it.....i turned into a blubbering mess.
looking at each kid and my heart breaking with each scroll down to the next.
so sad that those poor little precious lives have no one that wants them.
so after that, i cut myself off from any fertility googling of any sort. until we got our professional answers of course.

so the results?

well I am pleased to say we have hope!
the doc said we definitely had some options and that he didn't even want to discuss invitro right now.
praise Jesus!
so we're now on a strict diet...he believes that is half of the battle. then next month we'll have some more tests and begin with a lil hormone therapy.
needless to say, Chris and I are relieved and ready for the journey!


  1. Praise Jesus, indeed! I'm so happy for you and Chris - that you were lead to a doctor who knows their stuff and is supportive of your dreams to have a family together. I'll continue praying for you, friend, and for that little Baby Someday-Soon of yours. :)

  2. I can't even imagine what your emotions must be like right now. But know that I've said a quick prayer for you! And also, it must be so great to hear there are still options! So don't give up :)

  3. It takes special families to adopt and even more special families to adopt those with disabilities. I'm sure you will be a wonderful mother to any child!
