
Home Sweet Home

We are home.

As usual, some sort of kink would be thrown into our plan. Yes, we had no help. So it was quite a site to see me and Chris moving all of our crap by ourselves! I thought I got rid of it all!!!
I guess not.
Now the fun part.....unpacking! Yippee!.
Not really. That's my least favorite part.

I promise I will post some "before" pictures soon. It's been a little crazy.
Then I can post "after" pictures once we paint and get everything settled. Fair warning, that may be a while!

I don't know how we'll ever get unpacked. I don't get home until around 8:30 every night, so I guess one box at a time. Tonight I unpacked a portion of the bathroom.

Oh exciting news! One of my favorite things about being here is being able to experiment in the kitchen. Now normally, I hate all things green. I despise veggies. Well tonight I got creative with green beans (my least favorite veggie). It was WONDERFUL!!!! I need to tell everyone right now:
This is HUGE!!!
I made teriyaki chicken, fried rice (actually I made it quite healthy), and steamed green beans tossed in sautéed garlic.
Yes it was beautiful! My mom would be so proud! :)
So, we've definitely got a new dish.


  1. It's nice how you can cook, wish I could too. my mom would be ecstatic.

    Have a great week :)

  2. Congratulations on getting a new home! So exciting to move in to what will be the most important place in your life for the immediate future!!

    Yes! Join "This is.." ! The more the merrier! I'll add you to the blogroll :) Today's theme was This is my favorite TV show, next weeks theme will be This is my favorite man/woman. Looking forward to your post!
