Happy Tuesday to all!
Whew, this week has been crazy and it's only Tuesday!!!
But there's lots and lots of good stuff going on.
I'm booking right up for photographing weddings this year! Truly is exciting.
I actually leave in a couple of weeks for Texas to shoot one and it's extra special because it's my baby brother's!
In other news, I decided I would finally unpack the apartment - after being there for 2 months! Things were kind of up in the air and we weren't sure where we were moving, but for now it's worked out for us to stay. So I decided it should finally look like someone lived there!
Last night I got a bookshelf from IKEA for $20. What a deal. And it's perfect. I can't tell you what a difference it makes. See, the rule is that all boxes in our apartment must be emptied. AND all boxes thrown out! So I think I've only got like 2 boxes left - and they're not full! We set our sunroom up last night with a sitting area for reading and quiet times, and then a table with all my scrapbook stuff on it. As of right now, it's just piled high with my stuff. Hopefully tonight I can sort through it and make it a bit more functional.
Now the only thing left that we need to get is a desk.
We need lots of prayers - Chris has a job interview with a church on Friday. We reaaaaallllllyyyyy need him to get this - but only if it's where God wants us. So if you're a pray-er, plese pray.
And finally, the New Year Philosophy that I am trying to live by. This was in the message from church Sunday night and it is just good enough to share. I'll link up to the video of it once it's up, but for right now, the part I'm focusing on is:
"Trust God with Your Dreams"
I am really really doing this. I got really disappointed about a situation a couple of weeks ago involving a wedding I thought I was supposed to do and then found out in a round about way that I wasn't. Anyway, that wedding doesn't define me as a photographer. I mean I was really beating myself up over it. But I can honestly say that when I turned my business dream over to God, within a week, I booked two more weddings! He isn't letting me down. He has put this desire in my heart for a reason.
Alright, well I guess that's enough for now. Have a happy day!
God is always good, especially to those who love Him!!