
Friday Favorites

Happy Friday to all! And....since it's Friday....that means Friday Favorites! I'm joining in with Hillary over at The Other Mama for her weekly blog carnival! You should join in too!

Now I know this is completely cliche for the "good Christian girl" to write about Jesus on Good Friday. But y'all, this is serious stuff! :)

I love Good Friday. I really really do.
You see it was on that dark, horrid Friday that my bondage was broken, I became free from "death", and someone died just for me.
Yes, it was over 2,000 years ago, but God tells us the He knew us before we were ever even a thought in our parents' mind.

Good Friday humbles me. And I should be humbled by this on a daily basis. I should remember this good Friday every Friday. Every day.

So this week's favorite - Jesus!

I realize that some people don't understand the whole deal with Jesus. I really do. But I can tell you that when everything in your life has been stripped away and He's all you have to turn to....then you get it. Trust me. You really really get it.

My goal for today is to really focus on what happened on the cross 2,000 years ago.
And be thankful that it happened.
And never to forget or take for granted, that it did indeed happen.


  1. I loove that you posted about Jesus! You helped get my heart in the right place. Happy Easter!

  2. I totally get what you're saying about when you said: "when everything in your life has been stripped away and He's all you have to turn to....then you get it. Trust me. You really really get it."

    I totally get it.
