
On The Wings of Angels

It's funny how the older you get the more you change.
My life goals 10 years ago, heck even 5 years ago were so different than they are now.

Over the last couple of years, I've done A LOT of soul searching.
A "life evaluation" as I like to call it.

See, I've always known I've had a purpose.
I've always felt that I was put on this earth for something big.
I always thought that something big was teaching.
However, once in school for it (and almost finished I might add), I really felt that wasn't the right avenue.

Then photography captured my heart.
In a big way.
And I've said since I started my business that I wanted to give back.
I want my photography business to ultimately be for the greater good.

And so, out of the blue about a month ago, it hit me.
Hit me so hard I just started crying, because it seemed to perfect.
It was like everything in my life suddenly had purpose.
I really can't even describe the feeling.

Here it is: I am going to start a non profit section of my business that will focus on offering photography, for free, to families with children (primarily) or loved ones with terminal illnesses.

Here's the thing....when a family is struck with such heartbreaking news, the focus is more on their medical treatment and just getting by. I could offer something that will capture some of the last memories of their child or loved one long after the illness takes their life. Memorialize one last happy moment.

This is a cause that I feel SO strongly about. It's re-wiring my heart in a way you wouldn't believe.

I'm still very much in the beginning stages and trying to work out all of the logistics and praying very hard about the exact direction God wants to take me in all this.

But I'm so incredibly excited about it.
SO excited.
This IS my ministry.
This IS my calling in life....to change the world, one photo at a time.

That being said, if you know of any families that could benefit from this, please, please, please let me know. I'd love for them to be part of my beginning.