
howdy neighbor! thanks so much for stopping by today.
i really do love my followers.
like for realz. i love that there are people who care what crazy things i have to say each day!

and as much as I love you all, I equally love that as you're reading this, my tooshy is on the beach!
and this year we're doing the beach on a major budget.
i'll tell you how it all worked out when i get back! ;)

last week i spent a lot of time trying to get our office in working order.
that was a job, let me tell ya!
but i'm so excited with how it's coming together and all the plans in my head for it.
there will be lots of crafts, so do stay tuned.
i'm making no-sew curtains, creating a craft station, decorating the walls.
yes, this sounds marvelous!

what's happening on the blog for the rest of the week? well, just for you, i laid it all out!

Tuesday: Tuesday Tunes - it's all about the music!
Wednesday: Randomocities - lots of little things to catch you up on!
Thursday: Thankful Thursday - my journey through 1000 Gifts
Friday: Happy Graduation Day

alright friends, i do hope your monday is fantastic!


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