
Already Working on Resolutions

Happy Friday to all!!! It's officially 1 week until Christmas! How exciting!!! But that only means it's less than 2 weeks until 2010!!! Can you believe it?
So with that being said, I've been thinking about some resolutions for next year. I'm going to create a bucket list of sorts. My goal is to actually check a few things off!

In hopes of getting you in the resolution spirit, I've decided to share a few:

**Become a certified professional photographer - there's a whole test you have to take and in different sections. Yay! ;)

**Join the professional photographer association

**Jump into marketing my business

**Get healthy. Notice that I am not putting a pounds to lose goal, or specifics. I just want to start living a healthier lifestyle and hopefully that should result in a few pounds shed.

**Take a road trip

**Go on a cruise

**Reinvent myself. I want a new style. I feel that I'm a bit lame. Almost like I'm 60 trapped in a 26 year old. It's time for a change.

**Unpack EVERYTHING. I have had boxes of stuff for 5 years hidden in closets. I want everything out of boxes!

That's just a few I've been thinking about. I'll have a full list New Year's Day and I think I'm going to keep it posted on my blog so I am constantly reminded to check a few things off!

Have a great weekend and finish all your Christmas shopping!


  1. That's a great list! Thanks for the reminder, guess I'll start working on mine too. Bless you :)
