
I am joining in on Just Me and My Life's fill in the blank! Hers is a Friday fill in the blank special, but I guess mine will be a Saturday Special!

1. Did you pass your driver's test on the first try?

2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Hmmm....I have several. To narrow it down to one is a bit hard. I guess I'd have to say falling UP the stairs at my college! I don't know what happened. It was right in the middle of a class change, so everyone was there. I face planted and sprawled out everywhere. Awful. One girl asked if I was ok, and at that moment I really didn't want to be talked to. I probably wasn't very nice to her!

3. What TV show would you like to be on- Oprah, Biggest Loser, or What Not to Wear? Definitely What Not to Wear. I've even thought of trying to stage a tragic wardrobe video just to get on. I find that I just don't know what looks the most flattering on my body. I need help. And I also need someone else's money to buy a new wardrobe!

4. Would you ever get plastic surgery and what kind?
Probably something like a tummy tuck.

5. What are your favorite jeans to wear?
I don't have a particular brand that I go for. I like Old Navy jeans. Really, just whatever I can find that fits really good and comfy!

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad reading the answer to that first question :p I kinda bribed someone to get my license lol sad common fact in Jakarta.

    BUTTTT, I've learned to drive carefully since then!
