
Cherries In Winter

So while being forced to stay inside during this current winter storm, I went to Target and purchased some random reading materials. A few magazines and then this book:

Cherries in Winter.
I love to read, but I really don't know a lot about what's out there.
So I usually just randomly pick....and yes, at times, I do judge the book by it's cover.
I finished the book yesterday.
the Verdict:

The book is about a writer who has recently been laid off and finds comfort in her grandmother's recipe file.

I have to say that this book really struck a cord with me.
Probably because food has always been at the center of my family.
For as long as I can remember, I've always been in the kitchen with a family member cooking.
And the great thing is all the stories and memories that go with all of our family recipes.
Priceless moments.

My grandmother's birthday is coming up this month.
I'm going to buy her a note book.
I want her to write down ALL of her favorite memories.....about childhood, marriage, love, etc.
How awesome will that keepsake be once she passes on, to keep her memory so alive?

I definitely say this is a Must Read!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren,
    And thank you so much!! What a lovely review of my book... I'm so glad you liked the cover (I'll pass that thumbs-up along to the Random House art department), and that you liked the contents too.
    I think the thing that made me happiest, though, was reading that you were going to sit down with your grandmother and ask her to write down all her memories. My Nana did that for me, knowing that Mom and I would want them and need them. She passed away so young... It's great that your grandmother is still alive, and that you can spend this time with her.
    Many thanks again for your sweet review, and love your blog!
    All the best,
    Suzan Colón
    Author of "Cherries in Winter"
