

I have a love/hate relationships with Thursdays.
On one hand I get really excited because it's almost the weekend!
And then on the other hand I get sad because there's still one more day until the weekend.

I'm currently enjoying a few peaceful moments.
The dog is napping.
The cats are napping.
I've turned the tv off, read some awesome Bible words.
Ah yes, the perfect break in the day.
The only thing that would make it better is some magazines and a big mug of hot chocolate (and possibly some Taco Bueno - I haven't had it in 2 weeks. So sad. But good for my waistline).

There's still a lot of transition going on for me in this work from home lifestyle.
It's lonely...and well this little bloggy is my link to the outside world!
I find myself really struggling for life direction and such.

Chris and I are reading through Ephesians starting today. So when I took a moment to read Ephesians 1, there was the most perfect verse:
"It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we're living for" (vs 1:11 - the message)

Ok God. Thank you for that.
I super love how God's Word really is alive and speaks to us no matter where we are in life.

Another example - I follow Dave Ramsey on Twitter and he tweeted Romans 12:2 today -
"do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
I love me some Dave Ramsey and Chris and I have followed his financial advice for years.
It's amazing that this is one of my favorite verses and I've read it over and over and over, but never have I applied a financial spin to it.
It's SO good with a financial spin! Especially if you're familiar with any of Dave's processes.

But seriously...that just fired up my inner budgeteer. I'm pretty sure I just made up that word.

In other random news, I'm excited for a couple of upcoming new adventures. Let's just say I'm about to get my craft on.
It's gonna be great, so please stay tuned!!!

Who all tuned in for the Duck Dynasty premier last night?

It really is one of my favorite shows...scripted or not. We went to some friends' house for a duck watching party! Lame - maybe, but it's our lame and we embrace it!

1 comment:

  1. I missed DD last night but we Dvr'd. I cant wait to watch it.
    What i love is when i dont know a certain verse in the bible to match what i'm feeling, sometimes all i have to do is open the bible up and it lands on a place that speaks to me so perfectly.
