
La Tour Eiffel

i know you have got to be annoyed by now with the ridiculous amount of paris posts.
but honestly, it was just too much to cram into a couple of posts.

now...with this here eiffel tower, i was obnoxious.
i have no less than 150 photos just of it.
don't worry, i'm only sharing 90 with you.
hahaha just kidding! 

i was mesmerized, and honestly, i just couldn't stop snapping photos.
it was beautiful and SO massive.
the pictures don't even attempt to capture how huge it is.

and the carousel! oh, i just loved it.
this picture was from the very first night we were there.
here, i was standing in line to get a nutella crepe!

look at chris trying to be all suave!

the sun was beginning to set here, and it was breathtaking.

in all honesty, this trip was a dream come true.
the city was just so full of so much....and we just barely scratched the surface.
who knows if i'll ever make it back to beautiful paris, but if not, i can die a happy girl!


  1. All of the pictures are beautiful. You should never apologize for taking too many pictures....is there even such a thing???? I hope you have a magnificent scrapbook in the works!

  2. Those are some great photos and now i NEED a nutella crepe.

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS pictures!
